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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Quotes for the Day

Quote 1: विश्वास करना एक गुण है, अविश्वास दुर्बलता कि जननी है।

Quote 2: अपने प्रयोजन में द्रढ विश्वास रखने वाला एक सूक्ष्म शरीर इतिहास के रुख को बदल सकता है।

Quote 3: शांति का कोई रास्ता नहीं है, केवल शांति है।

Quote 4: आँख के बदले में आँख पूरे विश्व को अँधा बना देगी।

Quote 5: जो समय बचाते हैं, वे धन बचाते हैं और बचाया हुआ धन, कमाएं हुए धन के बराबर है।

Quote 6: केवल प्रसन्नता ही एकमात्र इत्र है, जिसे आप दुसरो पर छिड़के तो उसकी कुछ बुँदे अवश्य ही आप पर भी पड़ती है।

Quote 7: विश्वास को हमेशा तर्क से तौलना चाहिए. जब विश्वास अँधा हो जाता है तो मर जाता है।

Quote 8: पहले वो आप पर ध्यान नहीं देंगे, फिर वो आप पर हँसेंगे, फिर वो आप से लड़ेंगे, और तब आप जीत जायेंगे।

Quote 9: व्यक्ति की पहचान उसके कपड़ों से नहीं अपितु उसके चरित्र से आंकी जाती है।

Quote 10: ख़ुशी तब मिलेगी जब आप जो सोचते हैं, जो कहते हैं और जो करते हैं, सामंजस्य में हों।

Quote 11: मौन सबसे सशक्त भाषण है, धीरे-धीरे दुनिया आपको सुनेगी।

Quote 12: सत्य एक विशाल वृक्ष है, उसकी ज्यों-ज्यों सेवा की जाती है, त्यों-त्यों उसमे अनेक फल आते हुए नजर आते है, उनका अंत ही नहीं होता।

Quote 13: विश्व के सभी धर्म, भले ही और चीजों में अंतर रखते हों, लेकिन सभी इस बात पर एकमत हैं कि दुनिया में कुछ नहीं बस सत्य जीवित रहता है।

Quote 14: कोई त्रुटी तर्क-वितर्क करने से सत्य नहीं बन सकती और ना ही कोई सत्य इसलिए त्रुटी नहीं बन सकता है क्योंकि कोई उसे देख नहीं रहा।

Quote 15:  क्रोध और असहिष्णुता सही समझ के दुश्मन हैं।

Quote 16: पूंजी अपने-आप में बुरी नहीं है, उसके गलत उपयोग में ही बुराई है। किसी ना किसी रूप में पूंजी की आवश्यकता हमेशा रहेगी।

Quote 17: अपनी गलती को स्वीकारना झाड़ू लगाने के सामान है जो धरातल की सतह को चमकदार और साफ़ कर देती है।

Quote 18: निरंतर विकास जीवन का नियम है, और जो व्यक्ति खुद को सही दिखाने  के लिए हमेशा अपनी रूढ़िवादिता को बरकरार रखने की कोशिश करता है वो खुद को गलत स्थिति में पंहुचा देता है।

Quote 19: यद्यपि आप अल्पमत में हों, पर सच तो सच है।

Quote 20: जो भी चाहे अपनी अंतरात्मा की आवाज़ सुन सकता है। वह सबके भीतर है।

Quote 21: गर्व लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए किये  गए प्रयत्न में निहित है, ना कि उसे पाने में।

Quote 22: मैं मरने के लिए तैयार हूँ, पर ऐसी कोई वज़ह नहीं है जिसके लिए मैं मारने को तैयार हूँ।

Quote 23: मैं सभी की समानता में विश्वास रखता हूँ, सिवाय पत्रकारों और फोटोग्राफरों के।

Quote 24: सत्य बिना जन समर्थन के भी खड़ा रहता है, वह आत्मनिर्भर है।

Quote 25: सत्य कभी ऐसे कारण को क्षति नहीं पहुंचाता जो उचित हो।

Quote 26: मेरा धर्म सत्य और अहिंसा पर आधारित है। सत्य मेरा भगवान है, अहिंसा उसे पाने का साधन।

Quote 27: मेरा जीवन मेरा सन्देश है।

Quote 28: जहाँ प्रेम है वहां जीवन है।

Quote 29: ऐसे जियो जैसे कि तुम कल मरने वाले हो। ऐसे सीखो की तुम हमेशा के लिए जीने वाले हो।

Quote 30: जब मैं निराश होता हूँ, मैं याद कर लेता हूँ कि समस्त इतिहास के दौरान सत्य और प्रेम के मार्ग की ही हमेशा विजय होती है। कितने ही तानाशाह और हत्यारे हुए हैं, और कुछ समय के लिए वो अजेय लग सकते  हैं, लेकिन अंत में उनका पतन होता है। इसके बारे में सोचो- हमेशा।

Quote 31: एक कृत्य द्वारा किसी एक दिल को ख़ुशी देना, प्रार्थना में झुके हज़ार सिरों से बेहतर है।

Quote 32: भगवान का कोई धर्म नहीं है।

Quote 33:  मैं किसी को भी गंदे पाँव के साथ अपने मन से नहीं गुजरने दूंगा।

Quote 34: पाप से घृणा करो, पापी से प्रेम करो।

Quote 35: मेरी अनुमति के बिना कोई भी मुझे ठेस नहीं पहुंचा सकता।

Quote 36: प्रार्थना माँगना नहीं है। यह आत्मा की लालसा है।  यह हर रोज अपनी कमजोरियों की स्वीकारोक्ति है। प्रार्थना में बिना वचनों के मन लगाना, वचन होते हुए मन ना लगाने से बेहतर है।

Quote 37:  सात घनघोर पाप: काम के बिना धन;अंतरात्मा के बिना सुख;मानवता के बिना विज्ञान;चरित्र के बिना ज्ञान;सिद्धांत के बिना राजनीति;नैतिकता के बिना व्यापार ;त्याग के बिना पूजा।

Quote 38:  हंसी मन की गांठें बड़ी आसानी से खोल देती है।

Quote 39: कुरीति के अधीन होना कायरता है, उसका विरोध करना पुरुषार्थ है।

Quote 40: आप आज जो करते हैं उस पर भविष्य निर्भर करता है।

Quote 41: आदमी अक्सर वो बन जाता है जो वो होने में यकीन करता है। अगर मैं खुद से यह कहता रहूँ कि मैं फ़लां चीज नहीं कर सकता, तो यह संभव है कि मैं शायद सचमुच वो करने में असमर्थ हो जाऊं। इसके विपरीत, अगर मैं यह यकीन करूँ कि मैं ये कर सकता हूँ, तो मैं निश्चित रूप से उसे करने की क्षमता पा

Friday, 15 July 2016

10 Best and Worst Jobs for Work-Life Balance

10 Jobs With the Best Work-Life Balance

1. Data Scientist

Okay, there will be some math. But if you have an advanced mathematical or computer science degree and can apply your nerdy and tech talents to analyzing data and predicting trends and opportunities for businesses, you'll have a very enjoyable work-life balance.
At least, that's what a 2015 study from career website Glassdoor found. Its analysis was based on data, including at least 60,000 company reviews from employees. Data scientist came in on top, with a work-life balance rating of 4.2 out of 5. Still hate math?

2. Graphic Designer

Does catching the latest art exhibit, spending hours following trends or drawing a lot sound good to you? Well, if you're a graphic designer, they're all good for your work, said Lyn O'Brien, a career advancement specialist, lecturer and author based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Plus, you'll be seen as cool and edgy. And, "it's perfectly fine to wear headphones and listen to music at work," she said. If you can make it as a freelance graphic designer, you also get to set your own hours. But remember, O'Brien said that freelancing could require meeting clients during evenings or weekends, so you'll still need discipline to achieve that work-life balance.

3. Elementary School Teacher

Summers off and out at 3 p.m. -- are you kidding? It's like being a kid again. Only without the acne and peer pressure. Sure, you might not get rich, but you'll have a great tan and the chance to inspire the next generation. Or at least surprise them with a pop quiz.
"Being a teacher can be really great," said O'Brien. "There are lots of daylight hours after work; grading papers doesn't need sun. Travel plans are easy with summers and holidays off, and bad weather days are an unexpected bonus."
But of course, those papers don't grade themselves. In fact, teachers do put in many hours outside of the classroom grading, preparing lessons and attending meetings. Those responsibilities still must be balanced.

4. Social Media Manager

If you're an expert when it comes to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets, putting that to use for companies might result in a career that trends toward a great work-life balance.
There will likely be some pressure to be creative and pump out a lot of content, but the career came in at No. 4 on Glassdoor's best jobs for work-life balance list, with a rating of 4 out of 5. That seems worth Tweeting about.

5. Software Developer

Making it into Glassdoor's top 25 jobs for a healthy work-life balance with a rating of 3.7, the career of software developer might seem like an odd pick. After all, creating and engineering new apps sounds stressful.
But if you choose to believe the Glassdoor report, perhaps you'll want to apply at Asana, the new company founded by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz. In August, Moskovitz told CNN that the tech industry was destroying its workers' personal lives by demanding too much from them and said his new company seeks to do the opposite.
"We seek this [work-life] balance explicitly," he said. "We've come to the conclusion that this is the best way to be successful."

6. Hairstylist

While the risk involved in chopping off someone's hair or dying it the wrong shade of red might be stressful, apparently the possibility of turning around their bad hair day more than makes up for it.
Hair stylist took the No. 1 spot in job-finding site CareerCast's "Least Stressful Jobs of 2015" report. One reason cited is that your day is spent helping others feel good about themselves. They did note, however, that there can be a fair amount of work gaining new clients and retaining a steady clientele.

7. Web Developer

Coming in at No. 10 on Glassdoor's list, and recommended by O'Brien, is web developer. These are the people who design and create websites, and they often have a great work-life balance, said O'Brien.
O'Brien explained that web developers often work as freelancers, but even when they are in offices, they are seen as creative types. So, they can get away with a little less formality. Freelancers set their own hours, but even if you take your work home with you, it's design-oriented.

8. Dietician

As long as you don't tell your dates what to order, or how to lose those extra pounds, this career might result in a nice work-life balance. After all, it came in at No. 8 on CareerCast's list of the least stressful jobs for 2015.
If you take your own advice, you'll eat healthier and feel better. It's also a career in which you'll make a positive difference in people's lives. That means smiles, and that's never bad for balance.

9. Civil Engineer

Doctor, lawyer, engineer ... these titles are guaranteed to impress your date's parents. Civil engineers deal with major projects like roads and bridges, so you'll also have some interesting cocktail conversation fodder. And out of the three occupations sure to impress, engineer might be the best bet for work-life balance, according to the Glassdoor report, which put it in the top 12.

10. Human Resources Manager

Developing great people skills isn't the worst benefit a job can have. And yes, you'll likely have to deal with petty disputes as well as big work issues. But O'Brien said these are more than made up for in other areas.
"The hours are normal, so you'll have plenty of time after work to use your refined people skills bettering your social life," she said. Perhaps that's why Glassdoor listed a rendition of this job -- talent acquisition specialist -- at No. 3 on its list of the best work-life balance jobs.

10 Worst Jobs for Work-Life Balance

These 10 careers tend to demand so much of your time that achieving an acceptablework-life balance could take maximum effort. The list is not a ranking, and to compile it, GOBankingRates asked career experts and consulted studies. Time demands, responsibility and stress factors were all considered as well.

1. Surgeon

You'd think a quarter of a million dollars a year would buy you a seriously nice life. And yes, it does. But as for the balance part, you might have to work a little to make that happen.
"Surgeons are not only on call when they are needed, but they also have a very specialized career in which they might be the only one available with their specific expertise," said Tony Sorenson, president and CEO of the executive search and consulting firm Versique Search & Consulting.
So, in addition to extreme pressure, you'll likely have to refrain from that second glass of wine quite often and be ready to be called in for emergencies. The good news? You'll get there in a really sweet ride.

2. Lawyer

Don't let Hollywood give you the wrong impression: Being a lawyer is not all legal victories and celebratory drinks at the bar. There's a lot of hard work involved.
Yes, lawyers get paid a lot per hour. But that's the point, said O'Brien. Working smarter won't necessarily get you more pay; more hours logged gets you more pay. And if you do finally get some free time and make it to the party, there are all those lawyer jokes you have to contend with.

3. Massage Therapist

Apparently, relieving stress for people all day is not always conducive to relieving stress in your own life. Message therapists often don't have the most normal of hours, and squeezing, pressing and pulling is highly physical work.
It can take a toll on your relationships, too. According to a study published by the Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology and reported by USA Today, massage therapists have one of the nation's highest divorce rates at more than 38.2 percent. Guess a good massage doesn't cure all ills after all.

4. Registered Nurse

Much like a surgeon -- without the big house and Mercedes -- being an angel of healing can take a lot out of you. According to the Department of Labor, "Because patients in hospitals and nursing care facilities need round-the-clock care, nurses in these settings usually work in shifts, covering all 24 hours. They may work nights, weekends and holidays. They also may be on call."
"You won't stay home because of blizzards or disasters, either," added O'Brien. "In fact, you may be there for the duration." No wonder they wear comfortable shoes.

5. General and Operations Manager

We know there are all kinds of general managers, from restaurants to toy companies. But whatever the industry, managing the entire staff and making sure business is booming can really bust your work-life balance.
For instance, according to a 2015 report by Ernst & Young, 58 percent of U.S. managers log more than 40 hours a week. That was second in the world -- only Mexican managers were more likely to report 40-plus-hour weeks (61 percent).

6. Top Business Executive

You'd think moving up would be a great thing for your life, but moving up often means more stress, more responsibility and less time for yourself, said Sorenson. As an executive, you might do everything from formulating and implementing company policies and ensuring goals are met to managing other executives, overseeing marketing and sales, and more.
"Executives have a responsibility to their company and often deal with not only internal operations, but external relationships," said Sorenson. "Often, social dinners also have a business purpose, making work-life balance more complicated."

7. Firefighter

Just about every boy dreams of becoming a firefighter at some point. But in addition to saving people from burning buildings and getting cats out of trees, there's also a lot of stress.
In fact, CareerCast named it as the No. 1 most stressful job of 2015. "Firefighters face dangerous situations in ever-changing conditions, and their work is not limited to battling blazes. Firefighters also assist with medical emergencies and natural disasters," the CareerCast article said. In addition, you'll be staying in the firehouse many nights of the week with a bunch of guys in funny hats.

8. Commercial Airline Pilot

When airline pilot Matthew Creans first began his career as a pilot, he used to stand in the airport, looking at the "Destinations" board and smile at the thought of being able to fly to anywhere in the world he wanted. That didn't exactly happen.
He now flies the Hawaii to California route exclusively so he can maximize time home with his family. Others, who fly internationally, are away for up to four days and return home too tired for a social life, he said. Maybe that's why airline pilot came in at No. 4 on CareerCast's "Most Stressful Jobs of 2015" list.

9. Stock Broker

If you've seen the movie "Wall Street," you know that pressure comes with this job. And though you have the opportunity to make Gordon Gekko money, you might have to give up a lot for it. Greed might be good, but not for the work-life balance.
Predicting the future all day can be exhausting, said O'Brien. In addition, she pointed out that often these professionals must use their personal time to track down new leads at social events or schmooze clients with golf or dinner dates.

10. Journalist

News waits for no man or woman. Working nights, weekends, changing your schedule to accommodate breaking news and constantly living under a deadline are just a few of the things the Department of Labor lists under the journalist section. All that and low pay, too.
Maybe that's why the job of newspaper reporter ended up on CareerCast's "10 Most Stressful Jobs of 2015" list along with firefighter, soldier, military general and police officer.  At least journalists don't get shot at. Usually.

copyright @ http://www.huffingtonpost.in/entry/10-best-and-worst-jobs-fo_b_8924278

AC Induction Motor

The AC induction motor is a rotating electric machine designed to operate from a 3-phase source of
alternating voltage. For variable speed drives, the source is normally an inverter that uses power
switches to produce approximately sinusoidal voltages and currents of controllable magnitude and
A cross-section of a two-pole induction motor is shown in Figure 3-1. Slots in the inner periphery of
the stator accommodate 3-phase winding a,b,c. The turns in each winding are distributed so that a
current in a stator winding produces an approximately sinusoidally-distributed flux density around the
periphery of the air gap. When three currents that are sinusoidally varying in time, but displaced in
phase by 120° from each other, flow through the three symmetrically-placed windings, a
radially-directed air gap flux density is produced that is also sinusoidally distributed around the gap
and rotates at an angular velocity equal to the angular frequency ωs of the stator currents.
The most common type of induction motor has a squirrel cage rotor in which aluminum conductors or
bars are cast into slots in the outer periphery of the rotor. These conductors or bars are shorted together
at both ends of the rotor by cast aluminum end rings, which also can be shaped to act as fans. In larger
induction motors, copper or copper-alloy bars are used to fabricate the rotor cage winding.

Figure 3-1. 3-Phase AC Induction Motor
As the sinusoidally-distributed flux density wave produced by the stator magnetizing currents sweeps
past the rotor conductors, it generates a voltage in them. The result is a sinusoidally-distributed set of
currents in the short-circuited rotor bars. Because of the low resistance of these shorted bars, only a
small relative angular velocity ωr between the angular velocity ωs of the flux wave and the mechanical
angular velocity ω of the two-pole rotor is required to produce the necessary rotor current. The relative
angular velocity ωr is called the slip velocity. The interaction of the sinusoidally-distributed air gap
flux density and induced rotor currents produces a torque on the rotor. The typical induction motor
speed-torque characteristic is shown in Figure 3-2.

Squirrel-cage AC induction motors are popular for their simple construction, low cost per horsepower
and low maintenance (they contain no brushes, as do DC motors). They are available in a wide range
of power ratings. With field-oriented vector control methods, AC induction motors can fully replace
standard DC motors, even in high-performance applications.

Mathematical Description of AC Induction Motors

There are a number of AC induction motor models. The model used for vector control design can be
obtained by utilization of the space vector theory. The 3-phase motor quantities (such as voltages,
currents, magnetic flux, etc.) are expressed in the term of complex space vectors. Such a model is valid
for any instantaneous variation of voltage and current and adequately describes the performance of the
machine under both steady-state and transient operation. Complex space vectors can be described
using only two orthogonal axes. We can look at the motor as a 2-phase machine. The utilization of the
2-phase motor model reduces the number of equations and simplifies the control design.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016



There is no system as yet wherein a single Trademark Application is sufficient to protect the Trademark Rights Internationally. But according to Paris Convention the member countries can claim priority of 6 months in filing the subsequent application in other member countries.

Yet different countries have combined hands for filing a single Trademark Application to protect the Trademark Rights in their countries.

Community Trademark ( CTM )

The European Union consisting of 15 countries has adapted the Trademark System which is called Community Trademark ( CTM ) wherein a single Trademark Application protects the interest of trademark in 15 member countries and the benefit of CTM can be availed by Non - European Union and prior registration is not necessary for obtaining the registration under CTM.
Similarly O.A.P.I., a group of African nations have replaced their national Trademark Office with common Trademark Office.

Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks

The Madrid system of international registration of marks has suddenly become an issue of importance. The Madrid system of international registration of marks is applicable among the countries party to the Madrid Agreement or the Madrid Protocol.
This system gives a trademark owner the possibility to have his mark protected in several countries by simply filing one application with a single Office, in one language, with one set of fees in one currency (Swiss francs).

An international registration produces the same effects as an application for registration of the mark made in each of the countries designated by the applicant. If protection is not refused by the trademark Office of a designated country within a specified period (12 or 18 months), the protection of the mark is the same as if it had been registered by that Office.
The Madrid system simplifies greatly also the subsequent management of the mark, since it is possible to record subsequent changes (such as a change in ownership or a change in the name or address of the holder) or to renew the registration through a simple single procedural step with the International Bureau of WIPO.
Trade mark owners have a simple and cost effective system for filing applications for trademark registrations abroad via a single and centralized filing procedure.



esign means only the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament  or composition of lines or colors applied to any article whether in two dimensional or three dimensional or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which in the finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye.

  1. Full name, address and nationality of applicant / applicants.
  2. Photographs / drawings of article showing different poses from all angles, five copies of each pose.
  3. List of countries to claim the priority, if any, where the application / applications for design has / have been filed, along with date and application number.

  1. The application is examined by the Design Office and objections, if any, are raised thereto.
  2. The certificate is issued by the Design Office after the objections, if any, are removed to the satisfaction of the department.
The design is renewed after ten years from the date of application.



TRADE /SERVICE MARK : A Trade/ Service mark means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours.
MARK : A mark includes a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging or any combination thereof.

SEARCH :  Search of a Trade Mark is not mandatory but is advisable, especially when you are going to make big investments i.e., planning to start a new Trade mark for your product or provide services.


  1. On the basis of records available with us, i.e, of marks advertised in trade marks journals and report shall be provided to you in one working day.
  2. Government level, of the marks either registered or pending for registration and the report available is up-to-date and report shall be provided to you in two working days.
  1. Full name, address & nationality of applicant(s).
  2. description of trade mark, one print if the mark is in label form.
  3. List of all items (goods) / services to which the mark is applied or proposed to be applied for.
  4. Date since used, if the mark is already being used in india.
  5. List of countries with date, where the mark has already been applied for.

The Application is filed.
  1. Then the application is examined by the Trade Mark Office and objections, if any, are raised.
  2. After clearing the objections, if any, the mark is advertised in Trade Marks Journal & is open to third party opposition period of 4 months.
  3. The registration certificate is issued in 4-6 months after the completion of opposition period, if there is no opposition by the third party during this period.
  4. In case of opposition, registration certificate is issued when the opposition is dismissed.
The Trade Mark once registered has to be renewed after every 10 years.
UNLIMITED - as long as it is renewed as per law.



A Patent is a monopoly right granted to person who has invented a new and useful article or an improvement of an existing article or a new process of making an article

  • Art, Process, Method or Manner of manufacture;
  • Machine, Apparatus or other Articles;
  • Substances produced by Manufacturing
  • Computer Software which has Technical application to Industry or is used with Hardware
  • Product Patent for Food / Chemical / Medicines or Drugs
  1. Frivolous or obvious inventions.
  2. Inventions which could be contrary to law or morality or injurious to human, animal or plant life and health or to the environment.
  3. Mere discovery of the scientific principle or the formulation of an abstract theory or discovery of any living thing or non-living substances occurring in nature
  4. Mere discovery of any new property or mere new use for known substance or the mere use of a known process, machine or apparatus- unless results to new products or employs one new reactant.
  5. Producing a new substance by mere admixtures of substances.
  6. Mere arrangement / rearrangement or duplication of known devices functioning independently.
  7. Method of agriculture and horticulture
  8. Any process for the medicinal or surgical, curative prophylactic, diagnostic, therapeutic or other treatment of human beings, animals to render them free of disease or to increase their economic value or that of their products.
  9. The biological processes for production or propagation of plants and animals in whole or any part thereof other than micro-organisms but including seeds, varieties and species (new plant varieties can be protected by the protection of plant varieties and farmers act 2001).
  10. A mathematical or business method or algorithms.
  11. A Computer Programme per se other than its technical application to industry or a combination with hardware.
  12. Aesthetic creation including cinematography and television production.
  13. Method for performing mental act or playing game.
  14. Presentation of information.
  15. Topography of Integrated Circuits.
  16. Invention which in effect, is traditional knowledge or which is an aggregation or duplication of known properties of traditionally known components.
  17. Inventions relating to Atomic Energy.
  1. Full name, address & nationality of applicant (s) and inventor (s).
  2. Specification , provisional / complete drawings , claims and abstract.
  3. List of countries to claim priority , if any, where the application / applications for the grant of patent has / have been filed , alongwith date and application number.
  1. After filing Patent Application in India, a Request for Examination is filed with the Patent Office
  2. Thereafter the application is examined by patent office and objections, if any, are raised thereto.
  3. After removal of all the objections, the Patent is granted and is advertised for Opposition Purposes.
  4. The Patent is Open for third party opposition(s), if any, for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of advertisement.
The patent is renewed every year from the date of patent.




This is most common question raised in minds of anyone who becomes interested in knowing about patent in India and protecting the invention. This question comes from every sector and domain imaginable. You may be
  • Business owner : with an idea or product  to patent
  • Research Scientist : with a new concept, formula to patent
  • Professional (employee) : with new idea for software or business method
  • ME or PHD holder : with research project to patent
  • Student : with intent to learn more about patents and how they can protect your ideas
The word “patent” continues to be most sought after word in business and Research and development community that is being searched over internet for more information and guidance... Possibly, you are influenced by reading about a patent related news and influenced by the idea of owning intellectual property right for invention, And you are trying to find information on
  • What is patent?
  • Is my idea patentable?
  • How to apply for patent in India?
  • How much it costs to get patent in India ?
You can read this information at many places online, in blogs, from government website on patent and from books. Yet it is not always easy to understand for every one coming from different background and different mindset. Moreover, many times questions like these may not have straight forward answers.  Like any other law, Patent Law also involves certain degree of complexity.
So the best advice would be.
You would be amazed to find out the value added by a professional patent agent or patent attorney when working on your idea and filing patent.
Honestly saying, there are some inventors who have written their patents on their own, with unbelievable quality of balancing technical and legal aspects of patent, that it astonishes even experienced patent professionals. But this is rare case, more often than not people need professional help since patent is not only a technical document... it is a techno - legal document. Having an experienced patent professional (patent agent) guiding you through the process of getting your invention patented can make a large impact to an extent of patent granted or patent rejected.

Procedure for patent registration in India

Step 1:  Write down the invention (idea or concept) with as much details as possible
Collect all the information about your invention such as:
  • Area of invention
  • Description of the invention what it does
  • How does it work
  • Advantages of the invention
Ideally, if you have worked on the invention during research and development phase you should have something call lab record duly signed with date by you and respective authority.
Step 2:  include drawings, diagrams or sketches explaining working of invention
The drawings and diagrams should be designed so as to explain the working of the invention in better way with visual illustrations. They play an important role in patent application.
Step 3: check whether the invention is patentable subject matter
All inventions may not be patentable, as per Indian patent act there are certain inventions that are not patentable explained in detail in(inventions not patentable)
Step 4a: Patentability search
The next step would be finding out whether your invention meets all patentability criteria as per Indian patent act? That is,
  • Novelty
  • Non-obviousness
  • Industrial application
  • Enabling
The detailed explanation for patentability criteria is given here (what are patentability criteria’s). The patentability opinion is provided by the patent professionals up on conducting extensive search and forming patentability report.
Step 4b: Decide whether to go ahead with patent
The patentability report and opinion helps you decide whether to go ahead with the patent or not, chances are what you thought as novel might already been patented or know to public in some form of information. Hence this reports saves lots of time, efforts and cost of the inventor by helping him decide whether to go ahead with the patent filing process or not.
Step 5: Draft (write) patent application
In case you are at very early stage in the research and development for your invention, then you can go for provisional specification. It gives following benefits:
  • Secures filing date
  • 12 months of time to file complete specification
  • Low cost
After filing provisional application, you secure the filing date which is very crucial in patent world.  You get 12 months of time to come up with the complete specification, up on expiry of 12 months your patent application will be abandoned.
When you complete the required documents and your research work is at level where you can have prototype and experimental results to prove your inventive step you can file complete specification with patent application.
Filing the provisional specification is the optional step, if you are at the stage where you have complete information about your invention then you can directly go for complete specification.
Step 6: Publication of the application
Up on filing the complete specification along with application for patent, the application is published after 18 months of first filing.
An early publication request can be made along with prescribed fees if you do not wish to wait till the expiry of 18 months from the date of filing for publishing your patent application.
Generally the patent application is published within a month form request form early publication.
Step 7: Request for examination
The patent application is examined only after receiving request for examination that is RFE.  Up on receiving this request the controller gives your patent application to a patent examiner who examinees the patent application with different patentability criteria like:
  • Patentable subject matter
  • Novelty
  • Non-obviousness
  • Inventive step
  • Industrial application
  • Enabling
The examiner creates a first examination report of the patent application upon reviewing it for above terms. This is called patent prosecution. Everything happening to patent application before grant of patent is generally called as patent prosecution.
The first examination report submitted to controller by examiner generally contains prior arts (existing documents before the date of filing) which are similar to the claimed invention, and same is reported to patent applicant.
Step 8: respond to objections
Majority of patent applicants will receive some type of objections based on examination report. The best thing to do it analyse the examination report with patent professional (patent agent) and creating a response to the objections raised in the examination report.
This is a chance for an inventor to communicate his novelty over prior arts found in the examination report. The inventor and patent agent create and send a response to the examination that tries to prove to controller that his invention is indeed patentable and satisfies all patentability criteria’s.
Step 9: clearing all objections
This communication between controller and patent applicant is to ensure that all objections raised in the patent application are resolved. (if not the patent will not be granted ) and the inventor has his fair chance to prove his point and establish novelty and inventive step over existing prior arts.
Up on finding the patent application in order of grant, it is grant to the patent applicant as early as possible.
Step 10: Grant of patent
The application would be placed in order for grant once it is found to be meeting all patentability requirements. The grant of patent is notified in the patent journal which is published time to time. 
Get Free preliminary guidance about your patent requirement. +Vijayaraj Enterprises