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WHY HOME TUITION? In old age, people learned in a one-to-one environment for thousands of years. In current times home tuition is building ...

Saturday, 10 December 2016


If you are filing patent on your own, without help from patent agent, then it can cost much lesser as only fees you are paying is government fees for patent filing and prosecution.
Here is how you will need charges as per stages in patent filing. We are assuming you have hired a patent professional in helping you with patent filing, which is recommended and makes this all patenting efforts worthwhile with his experience and expertise in techno-legal writing.
Stage 1: invention disclosure
This is initial phase when you disclose your invention to the patent professional (patent agent) by signing a Non disclosure agreement. Here you should submit each know fact about your invention, description diagrams and experimental results (if any). Hold nothing back.
Stage 2: Novelty search (patentability search)  
The professional charges at this phase range from (Rs 10,000 to Rs.20,000 )
In this phase, patent professional performed an extensive search for prior art in all possible databases for patent, articles, thesis etc... And builds a patentability search report based on closest prior art found for your invention.
Stage 3: Decide to file patent application
On reviewing the patentability search report and discovered closest prior arts for your invention you can take a decision whether to go ahead with patent application filing.
Your invention needs to have “inventive step” as compared with existing prior art to be able to qualify for a patent. The inventive step is achieved when your invention has either ‘technical advance’ or ‘economic significance’ or both over existing prior arts.
When you decide to go ahead with patent filing next step is writing patent application also called as patent drafting.

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